366 slov / 2 minúty
Bol raz jeden chlapec menom Peter, ktorý žil v malom mestečku. Peter bol veľmi milý a dobrosrdečný chlapec, ale bol aj trochu bojazlivý. Rád sa hrával so svojimi kamarátmi, ale nikdy nebol veľmi odvážny.
Jedného dňa sa Peter prechádzal po lese, keď zrazu uvidel niečo úžasné. Uvidel malú záhradu, ktorá bola plná rozkvitnutých kvetov. Kvety boli také krásne, že Peter nikdy nič podobné nevidel.
Peter sa priblížil k záhrade a hneď sa do nej zamiloval. Rozhodol sa, že sa do nej vráti každý deň, aby si ju mohol obdivovať.
Keď sa Peter vrátil do záhrady na druhý deň, videl, že sa v nej objavilo aj malé jazierko. Jazierko bolo plné čistej vody a v jeho strede plávala malá biela labuť.
Peter sa priblížil k jazierku a labuť sa k nemu priblížila tiež. Labuť bola veľmi milá a Peter sa s ňou začal rozprávať.
Peter sa dozvedel, že labuť sa volá Bella a že je to čarovná labuť. Bella povedala Petrovi, že záhrada je tiež čarovná a že v nej žijú aj ďalšie čarovné bytosti.
Peter bol veľmi nadšený, že sa môže stretnúť s ďalšími čarodejnými bytosťami. Denne sa vracal do záhrady, aby s nimi stretol.
Peter sa v záhrade naučil veľa o čarodejnom svete. Naučil sa, ako používať čarovnú moc a ako pomáhať druhým.
Peter sa stal odvážnejším a sebavedomejším. Prestal sa báť a začal pomáhať druhým.
Jedného dňa sa v mestečku objavil zloduch, ktorý chcel ukradnúť čarovnú moc. Peter sa ho rozhodol zastaviť.
Peter vedel, že zloduch je veľmi mocný. Mal magickú palicu, ktorá mu dávala veľkú silu. Peter však bol odhodlaný zloducha poraziť.
Peter sa vydal do lesa, aby našiel zloducha. Keď ho našiel, zloduch sa ho snažil prekvapiť. Peter však bol pripravený.
Zloduch vystavil svoju magickú palicu a pripravil sa na boj. Peter tiež vytiahol svoju magickú palicu.
Boj bol dlhý a náročný. Peter a zloduch sa o moc súperili. Peter sa snažil byť odvážny a odolný.
Nakoniec Peter zloducha porazil. Zloduch bol prekvapený Petrovou silou. Peter zloduchovu magickú palicu rozbil a zloducha vyhnal z mesta.
Peter sa stal hrdinom mesta. Celé mesto ho chválilo. Peter bol šťastný, že mohol pomôcť. Vedel, že v čarovnom svete bude vždy niekto, kto potrebuje jeho pomoc.
Peter and the magic garden
425 words / 2.5 minutes
Once upon a time there was a little boy named Peter who lived in a small town. Peter was a very kind and good-hearted boy, but he was also a little afraid. He liked to play with his friends, but he was never very brave.
One day Peter was walking in the woods when suddenly he saw something amazing. He saw a small garden that was full of blooming flowers. The flowers were so beautiful that Peter had never seen anything like them.
Peter approached the garden and immediately fell in love with it. He decided that he would return to it every day to admire it.
When Peter returned to the garden the next day, he saw that there was also a small pond. The pond was full of clear water and in the middle of it swam a little white swan.
Peter approached the pond, and the swan approached him too. The swan was very nice and Peter began to talk to it.
Peter learned that the swan’s name was Bella and that she was a magic swan. Bella told Peter that the garden was also magical and that there were other magical creatures living in the garden.
Peter was very excited to meet other magical creatures. Every day he returned to the garden to meet them.
Peter learned a lot about the magical world in the garden. He learned how to use magic power and how to help others.
Peter became braver and more confident. He stopped being afraid and started helping others.
One day, a villain appeared in the town and wanted to steal the magic power. Peter decided to stop him.
Peter knew that the villain was very powerful. He had a magic staff that gave him great power.
But Peter was determined to defeat the villain.
Peter went into the forest to find the villain. When he found him, the villain tried to surprise him. But Peter was ready.
The villain displayed his magic staff and prepared for battle. Peter also pulled out his magic staff.
The fight was long and difficult. Peter and the villain vied for power. Peter tried to be brave and resilient.
In the end, Peter defeated the villain. The villain was surprised by Peter’s strength. Peter smashed the villain’s magic staff and drove the villain out of the city.
Peter became the hero of the town. The whole town praised him. Peter was happy that he could help. He knew that in the magical world there would always be someone who needed his help.