294 slov / 2,5 minúty
Jedného krásneho letného dňa sa rodina Novákovcov rozhodla vyraziť na veľkú poznávaciu dovolenku do Egypta.
Boli to rodičia, ich desaťročná dcéra Ema a sedemročný syn Tomáš. Všetci sa veľmi tešili, najmä na pyramídy a plavbu po Níle.
Rodina si sošku kúpila a pokračovala v ceste. Ďalší deň sa vydali na plavbu po Níle.
Plavili sa na tradičnej lodi feluke a obdivovali nádherné brehy rieky, kde videli obrovské chrámy a zlaté sochy.
Tomáš dokonca chytil malú rybku, ktorú neskôr pustil späť do vody.
Keď dorazili do Údolia kráľov, boli plní nadšenia. Navštívili hrobky starých faraónov a obdivovali krásne maľby a hieroglyfy na stenách.
Ako sa deň chýlil ku koncu, rodičia si všimli, že je už neskoro a musia sa ponáhľať von.
Ema a Tomáš však chceli vidieť ešte jednu hrobku. „Rýchlo, len rýchlo pozrieme a ideme,“ povedala Ema a bežala do hrobky s Tomášom za sebou.
Keď boli vo vnútri, zrazu začuli zvláštny šum a všetko okolo nich sa zatemnilo.
Pred nimi sa zjavila starodávna múmia. „Kto sa odvážil narušiť môj pokoj?“ zahuhlala múmia.
Deti boli vydesené, ale Ema rýchlo vytiahla sošku boha Anubisa. „Prosíme, pomôž nám!“ zvolala.
Múmia sa zastavila a potom zmizla. Pred nimi sa objavil svetelný tunel, ktorým sa rýchlo dostali von.
Našli tam svojich rodičov, ktorí ich už hľadali. „Čo sa stalo?“ pýtali sa rodičia. Ema a Tomáš im všetko rýchlo vyrozprávali.
„To bola naozaj neuveriteľná skúsenosť,“ povedala maminka. „Ale teraz už musíme ísť domov.“
Celá rodina sa vrátila do hotela, kde v bezpečí spomínali na svoje dobrodružstvo.
„Ten starý pán mal pravdu,“ povedal Tomáš, keď si prezeral sošku boha Anubisa.
„Naozaj nás ochránila.“ A tak sa rodina Novákovcov vrátila domov plná nezabudnuteľných zážitkov a príbehov, ktoré budú rozprávať ešte mnoho rokov.
A tak sa skončilo veľké dobrodružstvo Novákovcov v Egypte.
Adventures of Novak Family in Egypt
412 words / 2.5 minutes
One beautiful summer day, the Novak family decided to go on a big sightseeing vacation to Egypt.
It was the parents, their ten-year-old daughter Emma, and seven-year-old son Thomas.
They were all very excited, especially about the pyramids and the Nile cruise.
After arriving in Cairo, they immediately went to the market where local vendors sold various statues and souvenirs.
Emma and Thomas were enchanted by the colorful statues of pharaohs, sphinxes, and animals.
An old man with a white mustache showed them a small statue of the god Anubis and said,
„This statue is very special. It protects against all evil.“
The family bought the statue and continued their journey. The next day, they set off on a cruise on the Nile.
They sailed on a traditional felucca boat and admired the beautiful riverbanks where they saw huge temples and golden statues.
Thomas even caught a small fish, which he later released back into the water.
When they arrived in the Valley of the Kings, they were full of excitement.
They visited the tombs of ancient pharaohs and admired the beautiful paintings and hieroglyphs on the walls.
As the day was drawing to an end, the parents noticed it was getting late and they needed to hurry out.
But Emma and Thomas wanted to see one more tomb. „Quick, let’s just take a quick look and go,“ said Emma, running into the tomb with Thomas following behind.
Once inside, they suddenly heard a strange rustling and everything around them went dark.
Before them appeared an ancient mummy. „Who dares to disturb my peace?“ the mummy rumbled.
The children were terrified, but Emma quickly pulled out the statue of the god Anubis. „Please help us!“ she cried.
The mummy stopped and then vanished. A glowing tunnel appeared before them, and they quickly ran through it to the outside.
There they found their parents, who had been searching for them. „What happened?“ the parents asked.
Emma and Thomas quickly told them everything.
„That was an incredible experience,“ said their mom. „But now we must go home.“
The whole family returned to the hotel, where they safely reminisced about their adventure.
„The old man was right,“ said Thomas as he looked at the statue of the god Anubis.
„It really did protect us.“ And so the Novak family returned home full of unforgettable experiences and stories they would tell for many years.
And so ended the great adventure of the Novak family in Egypt.