543 slov / 3 minúty
Cesta domov z dedkovho domu sa Samkovi a Terezke zdala nekonečne dlhá. Sedeli na zadnom sedadle auta, každý s malým zápisníkom od babičky Svetlany v rukách, a pozorovali, ako sa zelená krajina vidieka pomaly mení na sivé mesto.
„Už mi chýba Fúzik a Hviezdička,“ povzdychla si Terezka, spomínajúc na kozliatka, o ktoré sa starali.
Samko prikývol. „A mne zase opravovanie traktora s dedkom. Bolo to také zaujímavé!“
Rodičia sa na seba pozreli so zmesou prekvapenia a radosti. Nikdy predtým nevideli svoje deti tak nadšené z niečoho, čo nesúviselo s elektronikou.
Keď konečne dorazili domov, Samko a Terezka si všimli, ako hlučné a rušné je ich mesto v porovnaní s tichom dedkovho domu.
„Mami, môžeme mať na balkóne malú záhradku?“ spýtala sa Terezka, keď vynášali batožinu do bytu.
„A ja by som chcel skúsiť opraviť ten starý bicykel v pivnici,“ pridal sa Samko.
Rodičia súhlasili, prekvapení novými záujmami svojich detí.
Nasledujúce dni boli pre Samka a Terezku plné kontrastov. Snažili sa znovu zvyknúť na mestský život, ale stále spomínali na zážitky z vidieka.
Keď sa po prvýkrát stretli so svojimi kamarátmi v parku, nemohli sa dočkať, aby im porozprávali o svojich dobrodružstvách.
„Predstavte si, naučil som sa rozoznávať rôzne druhy vtákov!“ nadšene rozprával Samko.
Jeho kamarát Miško sa na neho pozrel nechápavo. „Načo ti to je? Máš novú hru o vtákoch na mobile?“
Terezka zase vysvetľovala svojim kamarátkam, ako sa naučila robiť domáci chlieb. „A vôňa čerstvo upečeného chleba je úžasná!“
„Ale veď chlieb sa dá kúpiť v obchode,“ odvetila jej kamarátka Lenka. „Nechcete si radšej zahrať novú hru na mobile?“
Samko a Terezka si vymenili pohľady. Uvedomili si, že ich kamaráti nechápu, čo pre nich znamenali tieto zážitky.
Večer, keď sa vrátili domov, sedeli spolu na balkóne a pozorovali západ slnka nad mestom.
„Samko,“ povedala Terezka, „myslíš, že naši kamaráti niekedy pochopia, aké úžasné to bolo u dedka?“
Samko sa zamyslel. „Možno nie. Ale to nevadí. My vieme, aké to bolo skvelé.“
„A môžeme im to ukázať!“ navrhla Terezka nadšene. „Čo keby sme ich pozvali, keď pôjdeme nabudúce k dedkovi?“
Samko sa usmial. „To je skvelý nápad! Možno aj oni objavia, aké úžasné veci sa dajú robiť bez mobilov a tabletov.“
V nasledujúcich dňoch sa Samko a Terezka snažili priniesť kúsok vidieka do svojho mestského života. Na balkóne si založili malú bylinkovú záhradku, každý večer si čítali z knižiek o prírode, ktoré im dedko daroval, a cez víkendy chodili s rodičmi na výlety do prírody.
Aj keď sa postupne znovu zvykali na mestský život, často spomínali na leto u dedka. Každý večer pred spaním si zapisovali do zápisníkov od babičky Svetlany nové veci, ktoré sa naučili o prírode, aj keď boli v meste.
„Terezka,“ povedal raz Samko, keď ležali v posteli, „Som rád, že sme boli u dedka. Ukázal nám, že svet je oveľa väčší a zaujímavejší, než sme si mysleli.“
Terezka prikývla. „Ja tiež. A vieš čo? Už sa nemôžem dočkať, kedy tam pôjdeme zas!“
S týmito myšlienkami zaspávali, snívajúc o ďalších dobrodružstvách, ktoré ich čakajú na dedkovom dvore, v lese a na lúkach. Vedeli, že aj keď sú teraz späť v meste, časť ich srdca ostala na vidieku s dedkom Jozefom a babičkou Svetlanou. A nemohli sa dočkať, kedy sa tam znovu vrátia, aby objavili ďalšie tajomstvá prírody a jednoduchého života.
Sammy and Theresa: A Holiday Adventure in the countryside, part 3 of 3.
624 words / 3.5 minutes
The journey home from Grandpa’s house seemed endlessly long to Samko and Terezka. They sat in the back seat of the car, each holding the small notebook from Grandma Svetlana, watching as the green countryside landscape slowly changed into the grey city.
„I already miss Whiskers and Star,“ Terezka sighed, remembering the goat kids they had cared for.
Samko nodded. „And I miss repairing the tractor with Grandpa. It was so interesting!“
The parents looked at each other with a mixture of surprise and joy. They had never seen their children so excited about something that wasn’t related to electronics before.
When they finally arrived home, Samko and Terezka noticed how noisy and busy their city was compared to the quiet of Grandpa’s house.
„Mom, can we have a small garden on the balcony?“ Terezka asked as they were carrying the luggage into the apartment.
„And I’d like to try to repair that old bicycle in the basement,“ Samko added.
The parents agreed, surprised by their children’s new interests.
The following days were full of contrasts for Samko and Terezka. They tried to get used to city life again, but they kept remembering their experiences from the countryside.
When they met their friends in the park for the first time, they couldn’t wait to tell them about their adventures.
„Imagine, I learned to recognize different types of birds!“ Samko enthusiastically told them.
His friend Miško looked at him uncomprehendingly. „What do you need that for? Do you have a new game about birds on your phone?“
Terezka, in turn, was explaining to her friends how she learned to make homemade bread. „And the smell of freshly baked bread is amazing!“
„But you can buy bread in the store,“ her friend Lenka replied. „Don’t you want to play a new game on your phone instead?“
Samko and Terezka exchanged glances. They realized that their friends didn’t understand what these experiences meant to them.
In the evening, when they returned home, they sat together on the balcony and watched the sunset over the city.
„Samko,“ Terezka said, „do you think our friends will ever understand how amazing it was at Grandpa’s?“
Samko thought for a moment. „Maybe not. But that’s okay. We know how great it was.“
„And we can show them!“ Terezka suggested excitedly. „What if we invited them when we go to Grandpa’s next time?“
Samko smiled. „That’s a great idea! Maybe they’ll discover how amazing things can be done without phones and tablets too.“
In the following days, Samko and Terezka tried to bring a piece of the countryside into their city life. They started a small herb garden on the balcony, read from nature books that Grandpa had given them every evening, and went on trips to nature with their parents on weekends.
Although they were gradually getting used to city life again, they often reminisced about their summers with their grandfather. Every night before going to bed, they wrote down new things they had learned about nature in Grandma Svetlana’s notebooks, even when they were in the city.
„Terezka,“ Samko said one day as they lay in bed, „I’m glad we were at Grandpa’s. He showed us that the world is much bigger and more interesting than we thought.“
Terezka nodded. „Me too. And you know what? I can’t wait to go there again!“
With these thoughts, they fell asleep, dreaming of more adventures that awaited them in Grandpa’s backyard, in the woods, and in the meadows. They knew that even though they were now back in the city, part of their hearts remained in the countryside with Grandpa Joseph and Grandma Svetlana. And they couldn’t wait to go back there again to discover more secrets of nature and simple living.