2 min.
Kde bolo, tam bolo, žilo raz v malej dedine pod vysokými horami dievčatko menom Milka. Žila sama so svojou starou mamou v malom domčeku na kraji lesa, pretože jej rodičia pred rokmi zmizli počas jednej tmavej búrlivej noci.
Stará mama často Milke hovorievala: „Nikdy nechoď hlboko do lesa po západe slnka, lebo tam vládne zlá čarodejnica, ktorá kradne deti.“ Ale Milka bola odvážne a zvedavé dievča, a často premýšľala o tom, čo sa stalo jej rodičom.
Jedného večera, keď stará mama tvrdo zaspala, Milka začula spev. Bol to ten najkrajší hlas, aký kedy počula. Prichádzal z hlbokého lesa. Hoci vedela, že by nemala, Milka sa potichu vytratila z domčeka a nasledovala čarovný spev.
Čím hlbšie do lesa vstupovala, tým temnejšie a chladnejšie bolo. Stromy sa nad ňou skláňali ako čierne tiene a ich konáre sa podobali na pazúry. No Milka sa nevzdávala. Spev ju viedol k malej chalúpke, ktorá žiarila zvláštnym zeleným svetlom.
Keď nakukla cez okno, uvidela starú ženu, ktorá spievala nad veľkým kotlom. Okolo nej v klietkach sedeli vtáčiky, ktoré však neboli skutočné vtáky – boli to zakliate deti! A medzi nimi Milka spoznala svojich rodičov, premenených na dva smutné sláviky.
Čarodejnica sa otočila a zbadala Milku. „Aha, ďalší vtáčik do mojej zbierky!“ zasmiala sa škodoradostne. Ale Milka sa nezľakla. Spomenula si na slová starej mamy, že čary zlej čarodejnice môže prelomiť len čisté srdce a pravá láska.
Milka začala spievať pesničku, ktorú jej vždy spievala mama pred spaním. Jej čistý, láskavý hlas sa rozliehal chalúpkou. Čarodejnica si zakryla uši a začala sa zvíjať. S každým tónom Milkinej piesne jej čary slabli, až sa nakoniec rozplynuli ako ranná hmla.
Všetky vtáčiky sa premenili späť na deti a utekali domov. Milkini rodičia sa jej vrhli do náručia a so slzami v očiach ju objímali. Čarodejnica sa premenila na obyčajný tieň a zmizla v tme lesa.
Milka sa s rodičmi vrátila domov k starej mame, ktorá od radosti neverila vlastným očiam. Od toho dňa žili všetci šťastne spolu a v lese už nikdy nikto nepočul čarodejnicin zlý spev. Len občas, keď fúkal večerný vietor, bolo počuť Milkinu pesničku, ktorá pripomínala všetkým deťom, že láska a odvaha dokážu prekonať aj tie najtemnejšie čary.
A ak nezomreli, žijú tam dodnes.
Brave Little Milly
2 min.
Once upon a time, in a small village beneath towering mountains, lived a little girl named Milly. She lived alone with her grandmother in a tiny house at the edge of the forest, for her parents had disappeared one dark and stormy night many years ago.
Her grandmother would often warn her: „Never go deep into the forest after sunset, for an evil witch dwells there who steals children.“ But Milly was a brave and curious girl, and she often wondered what had happened to her parents.
One evening, when her grandmother had fallen fast asleep, Milly heard singing. It was the most beautiful voice she had ever heard, and it was coming from deep within the forest. Although she knew she shouldn’t, Milly quietly slipped out of the house and followed the enchanting melody.
The deeper she ventured into the forest, the darker and colder it became. Trees loomed over her like black shadows, their branches resembling claws. But Milly didn’t give up. The singing led her to a small cottage that glowed with an eerie green light.
When she peeked through the window, she saw an old woman singing over a large cauldron. Around her were cages filled with birds that weren’t really birds at all – they were enchanted children! And among them, Milly recognized her parents, transformed into two sad nightingales.
The witch turned and spotted Milly. „Ah, another bird for my collection!“ she cackled with glee. But Milly wasn’t afraid. She remembered her grandmother’s words that only a pure heart and true love could break the witch’s spells.
Milly began to sing the lullaby her mother used to sing to her before bedtime. Her pure, loving voice echoed through the cottage. The witch covered her ears and began to writhe. With each note of Milly’s song, the witch’s magic grew weaker, until finally it dissolved like morning mist.
All the birds transformed back into children and ran home. Milly’s parents rushed to embrace her, tears of joy in their eyes. The witch turned into a mere shadow and vanished into the dark forest.
Milly returned home with her parents to her grandmother, who could hardly believe her eyes with joy. From that day on, they all lived happily together, and no one ever heard the witch’s evil singing in the forest again. Only sometimes, when the evening wind blows, you can hear Milly’s song, reminding all children that love and courage can overcome even the darkest magic.
And if they haven’t died, they’re still living there today.